The Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL ) put America in the lead with new installation called Sequoia. This pushes the IBM creation to the worlds fastest supercomputer in the world. It is clocking a 16.3 PFlops the Linpack benchmark.
IBM is installing almost 100,000 Blue Gene / Q processors - PowerPC officially called A2 - at 1.6 GHz. Each one features 16 processing cores and an additional core for control and I / O. An eighteenth core in the chip serves as a reserve.
In further good news of IBM they dominated the list HPC manufacturers clearly ahead of second place Hewlett Packard. The IBM systems provide nearly 50 percent of total computing output of the top 500 super computers.
HPC have built 138 systems (formerly 141) with just under 10 percent of total output, followed by Cray (27 systems, 8.9 percent), Bull and SGI. So far, Cray was not present in the Top50.