Uppsala University in Sweden have demonstrated hints of how the next generation of computers can communicate at Terahertz Speeds.
Peter Oppeneer and the Uppsala researchers showed how spin information can be transmitted using spin currents at terahertz speeds and how spin currents can be generated and transferred from one nanoscale metal layer to another in less than a picosecond.
Using ultra-short light pulses to create spin currents that move astonishingly fast through the nanostructured layers and transfer the spin. The generated spin currents transport the spin magnetic moment in femtoseconds
“We succeeded to do so by using ultra-short x-ray flashes with a pulse length of just a few femtoseconds.” Spin magnetic moments were quantified using magnetic x-ray spectroscopy, which makes it possible to perceive the spin dynamic processes that up to now have been invisible.
The Uppsala researchers are at the cutting edge of spin theory for these “superdiffusive spin currents”, which have been found to be the cause of ultra-fast spin dynamics.